Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sally the Toad

There's a new addition to the Moran family and as the title to this blog says, it's a toad named Sally. Sally came to be a part of our family this week when Emma, very expertly I might add, caught Sally in a bug catcher. At first I thought that Sally was like any other toad that the kids had found and would eventually be released back to her natural habitat or well I admit, not make it back at all. But Sally has proven to be a survivor. She's survived being slung over Emma's shoulder, while still in bug catcher, as Emma and Liam search for rocks, dirt, bugs to make her a home. She's been transferred from bug catcher to plastic container and then transported to Emma's first grade class. Survived being transported back home and transferred once again to a terrarium. We're all quite endeared to her now and make quite a fuss over her as we're learning how to care for her. Oh, and you might ask how the name Sally came about. Well, that part was easy. Emma announced that she was going to be called Sally. Liam said why Sally? Emma replied, "She's a girl toad, can't you tell?!"


Jennifer said...

That's great! Welcome to the family Sally!

nathansethjones said...

LOL. I love Sally already. I hope she is around for a very long time. Should we send gifts for Sally, to welcome her appropriately? What does she like?